CybTouch 15 PS
The CybTouch 15 PS is a 2D numerical control specifically dedicated to entry to mid-range CNC press-brakes up to 6 axes.
It comes in a compact housing offering a large 15” touchscreen and a new horizontal design. As the entire CybTouch range, the CybTouch 15 PS features an intuitive touch screen user interface, offering a high integration of functionalities. Thanks to its large keys, online help, user-friendly HMI and many automatic functions that constantly guide the operator, the CybTouch 15 PS is simply powerful and user friendly. The CybTouch 15 PS is integrated into a sleek and modern housing or can optionally also be delivered as a robust panel. An high speed RF link wireless communication device facilitates backup, restoring, data transfer functions with laptop computers, as well as beam movements’ traces with the included oscilloscope.
We offer two models:
- CybTouch 15 PSe, economical version with only 8I / 13O and optional automatic bending sequence.
- CybTouch 15 PS, full version with 16I / 21O and automatic bending sequence.
- Available in housing or panel design
All CybTouch come with CybTouchTools, which allows to wirelessly transferring data between a PC and CybTouch (requires optional RFLink USB key). It is used to backup/restore machine parameters, tools and parts, as well as updating the firmware.
PC Offline Software
We supply the same universal PC offline software for all CybTouch and VisiTouch controls.
- OFT-VST-2 PC offline software VisiTouch (2D)
- OFT-VST-MX PC offline software VisiTouch MX (3D)
- OFT-VST-MXIMP PC offline software VisiTouch MX including import of DXF/DWG, IGES, STEP, SAT and X_T
All three above PC offline software allow transferring tools and programs to all CybTouch PS and VisiTouch controls. PC offline software VisiTouch now offers the possibility to program parts for several press brakes (multi-machines functionality).
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Main Features For The User
- 15” modern streamlined glass surface touch screen that can be used with gloves.
- User friendly HMI thanks to intuitive programming and easy to setup with dedicated wizards (autotuning).
- 2D graphical profile drawing (Touch Profile) and precise 2D program creation.
- Automatic bending sequence calculation.
- Easy single bends thanks to the EasyBend page.
- Wide storage capacity.
- Internal backup and restore functions.
- Wireless communication for extended diagnostics and updates (with laptop).
Main Features For The OEM
- 4 or 6 axes control in a compact housing.
- Management of AC/DC drives and motors, frequency converters for AC asynchronous motors, twospeeds mode, and more.
- Pressure, crowning and pump speed management.
- Advanced algorithms for closed and open loop proportional valves control.